Nutrition Made Easy For Busy People

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on PMS

Diet is a key factor in managing PMS because of the role it plays in manufacturing hormones. If you're one of the 80% of women who've experienced PMS, then you'll know just how distressing it can be. The cause isn't completely understood, but it's thought that low levels of oestrogen or [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Bloating

Could your diet be affecting your digestion? Bloating can be incredibly painful and once you've ruled out a medical condition, it's definitely time to look at what you're eating. Watch my video for some advice on a few things you can try for yourself to address your bloating.  For more [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Stress

Tune in for 60-seconds of advice on stress-busting nutrition in my latest The Menopause Minute video. There's a whole chapter on nutrition to manage stress in my new book The Happy Menopause: Smart Nutrition to Help You Flourish, so treat yourself to some self-care. It's just a click away via [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Hot Flushes

Find out why they happen and how your diet & lifestyle can help to relieve hot flushes in my latest 60-second video. There's more detailed advice on how to manage hot flushes and other troubling symptoms in my new book: The Happy Menopause: Smart Nutrition to Help You Flourish. It's [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Omega 3

Omega 3 is a must-have nutrient for women in midlife. Find out why in my latest Menopause Minute video, as I explain how it can support your physical and mental health, where to find it and classic signs of deficiency.  You can find out more about how nutrition can help [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Fatigue

Do you feel tired all the time? Fatigue can hit you like a whirlwind as the hormonal havoc of the perimenopause gets underway. But there's a lot you can do with diet and lifestyle to get your mojo back. I've actually written a whole book about nutrition for energy, called [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Constipation

Left unchecked, constipation can put pressure on your pelvic floor, lead to raised cholesterol levels and may disrupt hormone balance, so it's a real concern for women in midlife. Learn more about constipation and what you can do about it in my latest Menopause Minute video. And for more in-depth [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that can be a powerful player in relieving menopause symptoms for some women. Naturally hormone-balancing, they modulate the action of oestrogen in the body and may help to relieve hot flushes and night sweats. Find out more about phytoestrogens and how to add them to your [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Zinc

Zinc has over 300 jobs in the body, so a deficiency can affect you in a number of different ways. It supports the immune function, underpins a healthy nervous system, is crucial for smooth, clear skin, enhances sense of taste and smell and we need it for great hair and [WATCH VIDEO]

The Menopause Minute – 60 Seconds on Vitamin E

Often known as the anti-ageing vitamin, this powerful antioxidant supports skin, heart and reproductive health. Doesn't that sound like the perfect option for anyone in midlife?! Find out all you need to know about Vitamin E in just 60 seconds in my latest video. Watch more of my 60-second videos  [WATCH VIDEO]